As your business grows, so do your banking demands. Be sure to open a checking account that can keep up, day after day.
Key Features
Unlimited Free Deposits
Free Digital Banking
Unlimited Free ACH Transactions
Remote Deposit Capture
- Ideal for businesses with moderate transaction volumes
- Avoid the $3 monthly service charge by maintaining a daily balance of $1,000 or more during your statement cycle*
- Low per check fee; free checks also available based on your minimum balance
- 4 free checks for every $150 maintained in account
- No fee for deposits
- No number of items fee for deposits
- No fee for ACH transactions or automatic debits/credits
- Includes detailed monthly statements with check and deposit images
- Free digital banking services, including:
- Free online banking
- Free mobile banking with mobile deposit
- Free eStatements
- Free telephone banking
- Visa® debit card available
- Bill Pay available
- No minimum deposit to open
*If criteria is not met to waive the monthly service charge, there is an additional $0.20 fee for each check written.