Put aside money for a set period of time and guarantee yourself a return. Patience really does pay off, especially with longer terms.
Key Features
Competitive, Fixed Interest
Guaranteed Returns
No Setup or Maintenance Fees
- Competitive, fixed interest rates that are higher rates than standard savings
- Compounded daily
- Credited by check to another account or accumulated at different times based on the CD term and type
- Receive higher rates by selecting a longer term
- Provides more guarantee than other, more risky investments
- Set aside for future savings goals
- A wide range of terms available (from 3 months to 5 years)
- No setup or maintenance fees
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty
- No deposits may be made prior to maturity
- Automatically renews (except for Renewable Once CDs)
- $1,000.00 minimum deposit to open
- Save for retirement with a tax-advantaged IRA CD1
- Includes competitive interest above standard savings rates
- Compounded daily
- Credited to your account each quarter
- Variable and fixed rate IRA CDs available
- Variable rate allows you to make deposits at maturity2
- Fixed rate allows you to make deposits at any time3
- No setup, monthly, or annual maintenance fees
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty
- $250 minimum deposit to open Variable Rate IRA/$1,000 minimum deposit to open Fixed Rate IRA
1Consult your tax advisor.
2Variable rate tied to 6-month CD rate; may change at any time determined by the bank at our discretion.
3Same as the term selected from the CDs listed of one year or longer.